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My name is Matheus de Araujo Seixas, I was born on January 9, 1996; I come from Sao Paulo, Brazil. I am the oldest son of Manoel and Regina de Araujo Seixas, and the firstborn of three brothers and two sisters: Me, Tiago, Pedro, Maria Clara, and Isabel. I am in the junior year of my philosophical studies, and since I arrived at JFK Airport on January 10 of 2016, I have been blessed to have a Neocatechumenal community who supports me in this time in the Seminary. Giving me spiritual guidance above all, this community has been for me my second family, where I am experiencing a maturation in faith.  I am grateful to God for the history He has blessed my family and me with, for being born in a Christian family, for having the gift of being in the Seminary, for the community that God has given to me, and for all the benefactors that work for the sake of evangelization in the Diocese of Bridgeport. 
Thank you all who support us in any way. You can count on my prayers.

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